Thursday, January 26, 2012

#30factsaboutme ~ tweeets.. ^^

#30factsaboutme 01. PretTyfuL daughter of GOD!! i uLtra L0ve JESUS.. ü #bhie ..
#30factsaboutme 02. PEEPS, FRIENDS, FAMILY and @MarkGian10's faithful L0VER. XD #bhie
#30factsaboutme 03. i dance, sing and aCt.ü buT m0re oN dancing eh. XD #bhie
#30factsaboutme 04. Em a BEAUTIFUL GURL!! xD AREUMdaw0yo! ü #bhie
#30factsaboutme 05. Otaku., c0sPLay3per and j.kp0p c0vergrup membAh. K.drama addict. XD #bhie

#30factsaboutme 06. PUPian..ü (naknakan ng arte po mga guard dito!) #bhie
#30factsaboutme 07. im taking up BSBA- HRDM.. ü (diAQmagHaHireNgPLASTIKADA!XD) UNFOLLOW KAPA AH! XD #bhie
#30factsaboutme 08. FASHI0N is my greatest Passi0n..! :) #bhie
#30factsaboutme 09. I ULTRA HATE MATH! #bhie
#30factsaboutme 10.. I SUPER 10VE 10,.ü 7/10/11 .. =) #bhie
#30factsaboutme 11.. an #EverLastingFriend of Suju..ü #bhie
#30factsaboutme 12. I'm talkative' xD and i hate stUdying.ü #bhie 
#30factsaboutme 13. I HEART hiGh heeled sh0es..ü #bhie
#30factsaboutme 14. I Eat l0ts of ice.. DAILY .ü i l0ve salty f0ods t0o.ü #bhie
#30factsaboutme 15. Love hanging out with my friends ofc0rz.ü #bhie

#30factsaboutme 16. I have a l0t of care for my friends. Dats y sumtyms wen deyr hurtng me, i fEeL dsap0inteD. #bhie
#30factsaboutme 17. Hate Plastic peEpS a Lot.!!! I neEd real oNes! #bhie
#30factsaboutme 18.. i always want 2 express wat i fEeL.. #bhie
#30factsaboutme 19. I l0ve, bl0ging and rebl0ging. XD #bhie
#30factsaboutme 20. TweEt aDdict. XD #bhie

#30factsaboutme 21. F0rmer? war freak? .. tiL n0w., i th!nk.. XD #bhie
#30factsaboutme 22. L0ves this ch!nky eyes of mine' even if its alm0st blind. XD #bhie
#30factsaboutme 23. Writing n0veL, p0ems or wat so ever, alL in my bl0od asweL. XD #bhie
#30factsaboutme 24. Petite girL' XD #bhie
#30factsaboutme 25. cOLors i l0ve : BLACK ,red and purpLe.ü #bhie

#30factsaboutme 26. pin0y.80% sPanish.5% ,jap.5% ,chinese.5%. d rest, unkn0wn! #k0rean' at heart, xD #bhie 
#30factsaboutme 27. L0ves to read'.. N0veLs m0re often .ü #bhie
#30factsaboutme 28. I play Lan and oNLine games. Latest adDicti0n: #D0TA. xD #bhie
#30factsaboutme 29. music LOVER. ü m0re 0n r0ck,. and c.j.k p0p. ü #bhie
#30factsaboutme 30. P0or eye siGht. xD #bhie


<-----  bhie.. ^^

~~ hahaha lalungs..  ^^

follow @giangail10 ^^


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